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livery addres. You can pay by wire transfer dettails here below: Bank name: Banca Prossima Account Name: Associazione "LE MAESTA' DIMONTEREGGIO" IBAN code: IT 67J 03359 67684 510700228385 BIC code: BCITITMXXX PLEASE contact "The Book in the Backpack Wicker. The story of Montereggio, Village of Booksellers" tells the incredibile and unique history of a tiny, medieval village situated in the high Tuscany . It also tells about how Italian culture has spread all over the world starting from Montereggio. The history begins in 1818, when in Indonesia the vulcan Tambora " stole the summer to the Earth" .The summer was, therefore, cold, wet and hostile. It was a very rainy summer, crops went lost and this caused a terrible famine. Despite this very negative event, very important fabrications were made: Tunner invented the bycicle and Mary Shelley wrote "Frankestein". In the hillside village of Montereggio, the inhabitants began to operate as itinerant booksellers in order to survive. Despite they were illiterate and could only recognise books from the colors and drawings on their book covers , they left from Montereggio with only their wicker baskets of books, a handful of chestnut flour to eat and began visiting fairs and markets around central and northern Italy. During the Italian Risorgimento some of them became " culture’s smugglers" as they brought some phohibited books, censured by the Austrian authority from France. During the 1900’s, these ambulant sellers turned themselves into publishers and booksellers with bricks and mortar premises. Some of them became very important cultural landmarks in the towns and Nations hosting them. A very unique, original and amazing adventure is the one undertook by the booksellers Bertoni, Fogola, Tarantola, Maucci, Giovannacci, Ghelfi, Lazzarelli and Rinfreschi. In the 50’s they hosted the inaugural Premio Bancarella, Italy’s leading literary price. Their wonderful experience with the Premio Bancarella is narrated by our joung writers in their " the book in the Backpack Wicker. The story of Montereggio. The Village of the booksellers" a book both for children and adults. Our book inaugurated the last Literary fair " The Books in the Ancient Village" in Bisceglie and it will be rewarded as the best ex-equo work in the joung authors section, during the International price of the Thesaurus literary arts which will be held to the Brunella fortress in Aulla the next November 18th